11-12 April 2024 – Centro Servizi AOU Policlinico di Modena

Summary video of the presentation evening held at FLORIM. We look forward to seeing you at the IX Edition of the MoreMed Congress.


11th e 12th April 2024

The conference days, compatibly with the provisions of the health authority, will take place at the Service Center of the Modena Polyclinic (Largo del Pozzo, 71, Modena).

There will be the possibility to follow the Congress via YouTube live.


Anyone can attend the conference days.

The MoReMED Congress allows all students who want to get involved to participate as exhibitors. For all information, please consult our regulation


Registrations for Student Exhibitors will open on Monday 6th November 2023 and will close on Sunday 18th February 2024. To apply, simply fill in the registration form which can be consulted by clicking on the button below.

Registration for Student Spectators will open on 11th March 2024.

A unique Project

First launched in 2015, this project still represents an exclusive event on the Italian university scene, being entirely organised by students for students.

Over the years, the event has attracted increasing numbers of participants. Over 1,000 students from universities all over Italy attended the IV Edition, held on 9 and 10 April 2019, after the Congress was expanded to a national scale. This is of course not counting the numerous interactions on social media and connections via streaming.

The aim of the MoReMED Student Congress is to offer medical students the opportunity to share information with their peers, moving beyond being merely users of scientific research. The congress broadens the topics covered by the study programme for the Medicine and Surgery degree course, encouraging students to develop skills to independently research scientific sources, their ability to work as part of a team, their presentation skills as well as the ability to effectively communicate scientifically reliable and proven information.

The MoReMED Student Congress is a project designed for all students in the bio-medical-health field. Students on the following degree courses may actively take part in the event: Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics, Health Professions, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Medical Biotechnology and Experimental and Applied Biology.

For more information, please refer to our rules (available soon).

Are you interested in supporting the event? Please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: